Ginkgoes go O to Sunset in October

In June, the Sunset garden editors snapped pictures from all angles of our dwarf Ginkgoes at the Celebration Weekend.  They liked them so much that they squeezed them into the most recent magazine.  They're easy to squeeze into your garden too.

Names like Gnome, Troll, and Munchkin hint at their diminutive size.  Everything about Munchkin, from the leaves to the size of the plant, is tiny.  It is best in a raised setting or in a container so one can appreciate the small stature.  Gnome and Troll have leaves that are much closer to the size of a tree Ginkgo.  The outline of the leaf is much more pleasing than a common Ginkgo as it is evenly rounded and balanced on both sides.  The rate of growth on both plants is faster than Munchkin.

It will take many moons for young dwarfs to add volume to their branching structure though.  Since they are just beginning to enter retail channels, most gardeners should expect to watch their young Ginkgoes grow with the seasons.  We're certainly excited to have them at Wildwood Farm.

As we build our collection, we'll let you know about other outstanding Ginkgo varieties.
