An Odd Couple: Nature Meets Crypto


Discovery often reminds us to cherish familiar places and memories.

Wildwood Nursery was an unforgettable experience for many who toured the grounds. From the plants to the conversations, it was far from the typical garden center.  Before all the Wildwood memories fade into the sunset, we want to start to capture highlights.

In that spirit, Wildwood is launching a limited edition NFT collection.  

The Fall Winter 2022 Autumn Moon collection is a release of a digital Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon' in a blaze of orange fall color. Holders of these digital collectibles will be entitled to two hours of consultation. The best part of this collection is that holders can sell their collectible after the consultation.  The value of the collectible will be set by the people who receive the consultation!

The blockchain will track the owners of all the collectibles. The new Wildwood network will resprout on chain! We recommend using the consultation on plant and design related ideas. One day we'll be able to advise on the intersection of plants and crypto!
